Heading out for the Tucson Festival of Books
I am absolutely excited to be participating in the 2017 Tucson Festival of Books at the University of Arizona on March 11 and 12! This will be my first time attending such an event and I’ll be joining 350 other authors who will be presenting panel sessions and discussions about their books.
If you’ll be there too I’d love to meet you! You’ll probably be able to find me most anytime at the Science City area but here are the panel sessions I’m involved in:
“Incredible Stories From Space” at 1 pm on Saturday, March 11 at the Science City Main Stage. I’m so looking forward to teaming up with planetary scientist Kristin Block who is with the HiRISE team on the Mars Reconnaissaince Orbiter mission as we “share compelling personal insights from NASA space missions, taking you behind the scenes of the unmanned missions that are transforming our understanding of the solar system and beyond.” (And I’m honored that the Festival planners chose to name our session after my book!)
“Women Writing About Women in Science, 1 pm on Sunday March 12 at the Science City Main Stage. I am absolutely thrilled to be moderating a panel session that includes planetary scientist Kristin Block, and fellow authors Nathalia Holt, author of “Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us from Missiles to the Moon to Mars” and Julian Guthrie, who wrote “How to Make a Spaceship: A Band of Renegades, an Epic Race, and the Birth of Private Spaceflight.” We’ll be talking about our experiences as women writing about other women (and men, too) in the sciences, and their influences and challenges.
Hope to see you there!!